1 mins read
what is your biosensitivity score?

Take our quiz to assess the severity of your flare-ups and redness. Simply add up your totals and match them to the key below.
Certain foods make my skin flare up.
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Frequently
3 Always
My stress level is:
1 Low
2 Moderate
3 High
When I am stressed, my face/neck/chest react with redness.
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Frequently
3 Always
My skin itches/burns in response to fragrances, certain fabrics, etc.
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Frequently
3 Always
I have dry patches on my skin that are tight and itchy.
0 Never
1 Sometimes
2 Frequently
3 Always
I live in a metropolitan/densely-populated area.
0 No
2 Yes
I have seen a skin care professional for microdermabrasion, retinol, peels or Isotretinoin.
0 Never
1 Within the past 6 months
2 Within the past month
What your score reveals:
1- 6 Your sensitivity is noticeable enough to cause you discomfort, but can be managed with extra attention from targeted UltraCalming™ products designed to supplement your current regimen.
7+ Your BioSensitivity score is high, and UltraCalming™ should be your primary regimen for serious relief of sensitized skin and flare-ups.
Ask your skin therapist for a Face Mapping® skin analysis and customized UltraCalming™ prescription.